If you have big goals for the healthcare system of tomorrow, you should be inspired by someone who has achieved incredible things. André Wiersig - the man of the ocean.
Kampaign Concept, Design, Copy
Creative Director: Dirk Ollmann, Edgar Linscheid
3D Artist: Til Schlenker

André Wiersig is one of very few people to have conquered the so-called Ocean's Seven. He was the first German ever to master the 7-part long-distance swimming challenge, the swimming equivalent of the Seven Summits. He jumped into the ice-cold, dark ocean more than once in the dead of night and swam distances of up to 44 kilometres - without any aids, wearing just a pair of swimming trunks. Along the way, sharks, poisonous jellyfish, strong currents and icy temperatures may await André. How will he summon up the courage? And what do jumping into cold seawater and setting up a dental practice have in common? He talks about this with BFS Managing Director Martin Nokaj.