Dirk Ollmann

Prompt Artist

You don’t have to be loud to create impact.
In a world filled with noise, it’s easy to think that the biggest voices are the most powerful. But sometimes, true influence lies in quiet precision, in the small details, and in the compelling nature of a story well told. Through storytelling, we don’t just share ideas; we create a journey for the audience. Every narrative invites reflection, empathy, and a connection to something beyond oneself. It’s about guiding the viewer on a path they haven’t walked before.
Let’s dive into the power of storytelling and ideas. Ideas that start as a whisper and grow to touch minds, build bridges, and spark change. Whether it’s through a thoughtful image, a well-chosen word, or a silent scene, impact doesn’t always need to shout. Sometimes it simply needs to speak at the right time, in the right way, to the right person.

Let's dive into the magical power of books. Where every page you turn promises a new adventure:
Creator of éloy magazine.
The first AI fashion channel.
Starting as one of the first prompt artists and driven by the idea of creating real, believable images, I founded éloy magazine on Instagram. The goal? To bring “real models” to life in new fashion styles and explore how close AI can get to reality. From the beginning, éloy was designed to blur the line between reality and imagination, sparking intrigue and sometimes even confusion. I remember posting, “We had a great photoshoot in New York,” only to have followers asking how I managed such a quick round trip from Germany to NY.
Today, as the world is awash with AI-generated visuals, éloy magazine has become my creative playground. It’s where I push new boundaries in animated AI content, where each image is a challenge, and where innovation in digital fashion and storytelling comes first.
The showreel must go on.
AI isn’t built for looking back. It evolves so quickly that nothing becomes outdated faster than a showreel.

But here it is – the stuff that keeps me diving into a new AI platform every day, prompting like crazy, deleting ruthlessly, and constantly exploring. This is the stuff that keeps my creative momentum alive.

Showreel 2024
Al in one: Creative Director, Artdirector, Promptartist, Director, Musician...
You can find more information about me and what I do on this website. 
Dirk Ollmann
mobile: +49 151 464 311 22
email: dirko@erstehilfe.com

19. Januar 2025  – Tiktok was down for 6 hours. Enough time to create a little film about everything you can discover:
Alfa Romeo
Alfa Romeo

More to explore:

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